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Columbia MBDA Business Center

About This Center

HandshakeColumbia’s MBDA Business Center, operated by DESA, Inc., is part of a national network of funded Centers located in major cities through the United States. Through its partnership with MBDA, the Center champions economic parity for minority-owned businesses in and around South Carolina.

To help minority-owned firms compete in the global market and to stimulate the economy through job creation, the Center assists Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) that generate a minimum of $1M in annual revenue with access to contracts, access to global markets, access to capital, strategic business counseling and marketing assistance.

» Annual Analysis of State’s Small Business Activities

» Visit Columbia’s MBDA Business Center website for additional information.

Project Director: Camille Shaw

Social Media


Core Business Services

Access to Contracts:

Services include identification of procurement opportunities; solicitation analysis; bid and proposal preparation; research of award histories; and bid negotiations and closings.

Access to Global Markets

Services include export-readiness assessment and assistance; identification of export markets; general market analysis; and facilitation of global transactions and international trade missions.

Access to Capital

Services include identification of financing opportunities; loan packaging; brokerage of financial transactions; equity financing; bonding assistance; and identification and closure of merger and acquisition transactions.

Strategic Business Counseling

Services include sales consulting and forecasting; operations management and quality control; bid preparation and construction bonding; and manufacturing facility leasing.

Marketing Assistance

Services include brand strategizing; graphic design services (i.e., business cards, capabilities statements, etc.); and email, social media and SMS marketing assistance.

Strategic Tools

Hoover’s provides “comprehensive insight and analysis about the companies, industries and people that drive the economy, along with the powerful tools to find and connect to the right people.” To stay competitive and up-to-date with proprietary business information, the MBDA Business Center – Columbia, SC utilizes Hoover’s as a one of our many strategic tools. Through Hoover’s online database, we are able to connect our clientele with a network of approximately 65 million corporations and 85 million people. Visit Hoover’s website for additional information.

GovWin is the “largest and most comprehensive government market research and analysis” database; therefore, the MBDA Business Center – Columbia, SC utilizes GovWin to inform our clientele of and assist them in obtaining federal, state, and local government contracts.




400 Percival Road
Columbia, SC 29206
United States

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