The Caribbean Region as a whole represents a market of about 43 million people who collectively imported over $20.9 billion of U.S. goods in 2016. The Trade Americas program offers U.S. companies the opportunity to explore six markets in the Caribbean region. Hosted in Miami, FL, the U.S. Commercial Service‘s Trade Americas Business Opportunities in the Caribbean Region Conference will focus on regional specific sessions, market access, trade financing resources, and pre-arranged one-on-one consultations with U.S. Diplomats with expertise in markets throughout the region.
Business Opportunities in the Caribbean Region Conference & Trade Mission
Conference: May 6 – 7, 2018 | Mission: May 8 – 11, 2018
What You Can Expect
The combination of participation in the Trade Americas conference and business-to-business matchmaking appointments in ONE or TWO Caribbean countries will provide participants with access to strategies for expanding their business across the Caribbean region. By attending this conference, U.S. companies will be able to:
- Gain market insights
- Make industry contacts
- Solidify business strategies
- Advance specific projects and
- Identify potential partners
Target Audience
The mission is open to U.S. companies from a cross-section of industries with growing potential in the Caribbean region, but is focused on sectors such as Automotive Parts and Services; Construction Equipment/Road Building Machinery/Building Products/Infrastructure projects; Medical Equipment and Devices/Pharmaceuticals; ICT; Energy Equipment and Services; Safety and Security Equipment; Hotel and Restaurant Equipment; Franchise; Manufacturing Equipment; Yachting industry/Maritime services/Sailing Equipment.
Apply early - spaces are limited.
Posted at 10:06 AM