Note: If you are seeking to do business with FEM A in support of a disaster recovery effort, please be aware that in accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Act (specifically Section 307}, FEM A's goal is to seek local companies within the disaster area for goods and services related to a specific disaster when practical and feasible.
The Industry Liasison Program has a four-step process to help vendors seeking FEMA contracting opportunities to meet FEMA's missions and goals.
- Locate your nearest Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Center
APTACs are a nationwide network of procurement professionals which help local businesses compete successfully in the federal government marketplace. You can locate your nearest APTAC by visiting
- Register in the System for Award Management (SAM)
SAM registration is a requirement to do business with the Federal Government. Register your business in the System for Award Management (SAM), at NO COST, at
Note: Complete the following steps before starting your registration:- Company DUNS Number. You can request a DUNS Number for free by visiting Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) at
- Employer or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). If you don't already have an EIN, visit and apply for one.
- Understand FEMA's mission
FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters. When the President declares a major disaster or emergency under the Stafford Act, FEMA collaborates with Federal agencies and state, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions to provide federal assistance to survivors.
- Actively monitor contracting opportunity sites
These include the sites of FEMA's Small Business Program at [email protected]. , the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) at, and Federal Business Opportunities (commonly known as FedBizOps) at
FEMA ILP website:
- Volunteer and/or donate goods. If your organization has goods or services to donate to disaster response and recovery efforts, please visit FEMA's Volunteer & Donate Responsibly Page at .
- Extend your facility to house FEMA-qualified disaster survivors. Sign up online at in the Hotel Enrollment section.
- Promote your services in government-wide databases and other electronic catalogs. FEMA uses the System For Award Management (SAM) database. Registering with this database will allow FEMA and other federal agencies to locate your business. Meanwhile, GSA Advantage at will allow you to list your product(s)/service(s) for government browsing. Be sure to link your catalog listing to your website. This will allow interested buyers to access additional information about your company.
- Accept the government credit card. The purpose of the Government Purchase Card is to simplify the administrative effort associated with procuring goods and services under the micro-purchase threshold.
- Pursue state opportunities. Federal grants to the states make up half an agency's budget in some cases.
Posted at 12:04 PM
Disaster Assistance
Emergency Preparedness