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MBDA’s Assistance Leads to 90% Increase in Revenue for Manufacturing Company

Sirius Chemical Group

Company Name: Sirius Chemical Group
Industry Sector: Chemicals and Water    
Results of MBDA Assistance: $6.6 Million Contract  & 23 Jobs Created and/or Retained    
MBDA Support: Access to Contracts Access to Capital Access to Markets Strategic Business Consulting 

Jesse Storr, founder and CEO of Sirius Chemical Group, dba Global Water, LLC, has big plans – he wants to improve the quality of drinking water in every American home while at the same time increasing employment opportunities across the country. But, first he has to take his company to the next level. He came to the MBDA Business Center in Atlanta looking for assistance in developing a business strategy that would support his company’s growth and bring him closer to realizing his vision.

The business development specialists in the Atlanta MBDA Business Center researched non-traditional sources of capital. They provided introductions to other minority business owners, along with access to opportunities through B2Bs, client networking programs and open events. The Atlanta MBDA Business Center also assisted in developing presentations and the collateral material necessary for the company’s minority vendor certification. As a result, Sirius Chemical was able to secure $6.6 million in capital, which represents a 90% increase in revenue, and will directly and indirectly create and retain 23 jobs.